Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Jump, You Jump Jack.....

At sporting events, you jump, scream, boo, shake your MGM Casino sponsored Pom-Pons.
At church, you sit, stand, kneel, pray, sing.
In class, you sit quietly, raise your hand, and follow the guidelines outlined in the syllabus.
What do all three of these situations have in common? Large groups of people. And not just large groups of people, but large groups all engaging in the exact same activity. Enter Mob Mentality.

In America we like to think of ourselves as unique and one of a kind individuals. But are we really? Yeah, sure some of us cut/dye our hair, or dress, or pierce/tattoo ourselves. But if you're in Joe Louis, wearing red, aren't you all going to scream when the Wings score? Don't you all delight in the same moment of joy?

So the next time you find yourself in a sea of people, look around you, chances are you're all doing slight variations of the same thing regardless of what you look like, think, or believe. So are we all really so different after all? Or are we just genetically hardwired to be "herded". Is this collective behavior good for the whole? Or the individual?

Honestly, I don't know. It's probably a little bit of both. But the next time the wave is traveling around a packed sports arena, you can bet I'll be a part of it. And chances are, you will be too. Cuz' I jump, you jump Jack.

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