Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Jump, You Jump Jack.....

At sporting events, you jump, scream, boo, shake your MGM Casino sponsored Pom-Pons.
At church, you sit, stand, kneel, pray, sing.
In class, you sit quietly, raise your hand, and follow the guidelines outlined in the syllabus.
What do all three of these situations have in common? Large groups of people. And not just large groups of people, but large groups all engaging in the exact same activity. Enter Mob Mentality.

In America we like to think of ourselves as unique and one of a kind individuals. But are we really? Yeah, sure some of us cut/dye our hair, or dress, or pierce/tattoo ourselves. But if you're in Joe Louis, wearing red, aren't you all going to scream when the Wings score? Don't you all delight in the same moment of joy?

So the next time you find yourself in a sea of people, look around you, chances are you're all doing slight variations of the same thing regardless of what you look like, think, or believe. So are we all really so different after all? Or are we just genetically hardwired to be "herded". Is this collective behavior good for the whole? Or the individual?

Honestly, I don't know. It's probably a little bit of both. But the next time the wave is traveling around a packed sports arena, you can bet I'll be a part of it. And chances are, you will be too. Cuz' I jump, you jump Jack.

Friday, May 15, 2009

RIP Dr. Izzy Stephens and Dr. George O'Malley

I laid agast and tearful in my bed at 11 pm last night. Reeling from the tradgey that struck prime time drama. Grey's Anatomy has apparently commited suicide. In the last 5 minutes of the show, it appears that both Dr. Izzy Stephens and Dr. George O'Malley were killed off. However, if Katherine Heigl were removed from the series, it would be nothing short of suicide for this drama. As proven by other shows that have killed off a main character, such as the OC, when Misha Barton's character was killed off, there went the show right along with her.

It saddens me that the writers of Grey's would do something that could dramatically affect thier ratings by killing off a character as beloved as Izzy, not to mention the hearts of thier viewers. While it seems plausible that George would be one to go, his role seemed to have been diminshing post Izzy Stephen's break up, it is utterly heartbreaking that Izzy would be going with him.

However, I do see the potential for a plot twist, if K. Heigl is not's what I hope happens......

Okay, so the entire episode George was telling Izzy that she needed to fight, that she made that decision and that is what she should do. Therefore, I see the potential, that once Izzy and George begin talking in "heaven" or the elevator, or wherever in deadland they are that George will tell Izzy to go back and fight, and then she will be back and ready for action.

At least this is my hope. In the meantime, I will say a tearful goodbye to my two favorite characters...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What do you think I am? A five year old?!?!?!

Attempting to write a children's book is quite possibly the most daunting task I have ever set off to do. I finished my first draft the other day (Charlie the Crawdad's Library Adventure), and reflecting back, I have no idea how the hell I am going to pull this off. The manuscript is 5 pages long, single spaced, and in Calibri 11 font! That's closer to an adult short story, than a children's picture book! Not to mention "the big words". I didn't realize how difficult it is to transform an educated adult vocabulary into "kid speak". Whoa. It's mind bloggleing to try and change the way you have written for an entire academic career, into something comprehensible to a five year old. I want to educate my audience, yet I want them to understand me as well. Can anyone provide me with a five letter or less word for aneurysm? Back to the drawing board.....